Need Of The Emergency Supplies In Disaster Situation

The emergency and disaster are the unfortunate things that can happen to us any time in our life. So it is better to be prepared for it from the beginning. Instead of waiting for such a thing to happen and put us in miserable condition. In the situation of Earthquake, Blasts, Terrorist Attacks, Flood and Tsunami, we really are at a miserable stake, and at that time huge efforts and helps are required to survive and avoid the starvation and loss of human lives. At that time the NGO’s and the common people of the society, from other states and countries rises to help us and to facilitate us with the essential daily life products, which can help us survive.


The list of the disaster relief supplies is not really big. It only contains the food items and such products which are the essentials in survival. We will list down some of those important and essential products here in this article.

  • Water for drinking and for sanitation purposes.
  • Dry milk for the infants and for other children.
  • Supply of the non-perishable food. Such food products which are dry and can be kept to use for a longer period of time.
  • Medicines for the cold, flue, temperature and headache. These common daily use medicines are really important.
  • Making the medical staff available for the people of effected area. So those who are ill and need medical attention can be looked after by them.
  • The medical aid kits for the people.
  • Diapers, clothes for the infants. Their baby products and other essential items such as cream, oil and toys.
  • Towels, garbage bags and plastic ties for the personal use of every person.
  • Emergency lights and the batteries.
  • For shelter the availability of the tents is really necessary so people can survive and save themselves from the weather effects.
  • Clothes according to the weather condition. If it is cold weather, warm clothes shall be provided. Whereas, in hot and warm conditions light clothes shall be provided to the affected people.

The supply of the disaster relief supplies make it possible to avoid any major issues to occur. Once you are in such a situation the basic need at that time is the common daily life products to survive. Those who are still alive in such conditions, need to fulfill their nutritional needs and make plans to reestablish from this accident.


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