Unknown Facts About The Natural Disasters

We need to stand tall and never lose hope, if we have been affected by a disaster. This will help us re-establish and rehabilitate, but if we would lose hope and confidence, then we might not be possible to make it to rehabilitation. There are many natural tragic phenomena which occurs and leaves us in a state of misery. We rightly have no control on them, but we surely have control over one thing and that’s to keep calm and focus on how to re-structure everything again.

disaster relief supplies

On the helper’s perspective, those who have remained safe from such an incident need to make sure that disaster relief supplies should be provided to the affected people, so they can survive.

Some facts about disasters:


It is a natural tragedy which occurs very often. The facts and figures suggest that almost 500,000 detectable earthquakes occur per year. Those which can be felt are 100,000 in number. Whereas, only 100 are those which causes damage.


They are tropical typhoons and are really disastrous. They have no boundary and limit walls, they can expand and effect according to its pressure and intensity. The facts suggest that a hurricane can drop around 2.4 trillion of air per day.

disaster relief supplies


It usually happens in the areas near mountains. The lower layer of the earth due to heat melts up and explodes through the top of a mountain to ejaculate lava. The figures suggest that most of such areas lie in Australia, where almost 777,000 of the population lives near volcanic areas.


In many areas they happen because of the negligence. Whereas, it is reported that the fire on a large scale in the forests and other areas isn’t mostly a natural occurrence. It also is a result of the negligence, as every 4 out of 5 wildfires are caused by people which lead to such a devastating problem.

disaster relief supplies

We can clearly see that all the tragedies occur naturally, but fire is the only one which happens because of the negligence and because of the people themselves. In case of all these tragedies and accidents the need for the disaster relief supplies becomes really essential. So it is the utmost duty of all of us to make sure that we help the infected people as much as we can. Because in that kind of state of misery on behalf of the human hood, we should take care of others to get them out of any disaster.

Using Tarps Instead Of Storage Shed – Tarps Disadvantages

Filling up the open areas of home with new tools and equipment’s for the day to day usage is a good idea. However, this is a biggest challenge for finding out enough storage space during rain or inadequate weather as well. All of them can’t be adjusted indoor during rain to protect them all; storage shed is the permanent solution for them to be safe and well.

Tarpaulin Manufacturers

But what if someone can’t afford a storage shed if he is having a wide space fill with tools and resources all equally important to him. Alternative to storage shed is the use of tarps that are portable, inexpensive and quick solution for situation like this.

But none of all the tarp is the permanent solution just like permanent sheds. They can’t provide long term protection and are unsafe as well.

Although the wide range of tarpaulin manufacturers perform their best in using quality raw materials during the manufacturing process, but still they have a wide range of disadvantages that everyone need to be aware of.

Variable Water Proof Capacity:

As long they are new, they might be the perfect option for using as a shed over materials of whatever type; they will be protected to some extent. But once they wear out, there is no option for the rain water to be controlled. The raw materials that are used in manufacturing these tarps are of the worst quality that even leaks in its fresh condition as well.

Accelerating Condensation:

There is another main problem of damage mostly occur due to water because of tarps cause by sun instead of rain. The space containing moisture beneath the tarp evaporates in the sun. The water proof capacity of tarps produce water droplets on its inner side that fall back on the items that are stored beneath, in condensation form. Thus water that stays under tarpaulin, usually cause bad news for all because material under that are damaged easily.

Tarpaulin Manufacturers

Breakdown Of Ultraviolet:

The average lifespan of plastic tarpaulin is not greater than 2-4 years, when they are exposed to direct sunlight. The presences of plastic in its raw material cause it breaking down into ultraviolet light under sunlight in a micro level daily. The result of exposing them to direct sunlight deteriorates it soon and finally they are not any more supportive to protect anything beneath them.

Failures During Tie-Down:

Grommets that are attached with tarps for supporting tie-downs sometime come out or loosen that causing the ropes to slack and thus the tarps are exposed to wind and cause damage. Also the continuous flapping of tarp with the wind cause it leaves altogether and exposes everything that is stored beneath.

Tarpaulin manufacturers have almost improved the quality of raw materials used in manufacturing tarps but still they are of no use other than those for which they are being manufactured. However, for limited time coverage, survive and emergency base usage, tarps can provide infinite number of shelter designs that fit best and provide solutions for environmental needs.

Need Of The Emergency Supplies In Disaster Situation

The emergency and disaster are the unfortunate things that can happen to us any time in our life. So it is better to be prepared for it from the beginning. Instead of waiting for such a thing to happen and put us in miserable condition. In the situation of Earthquake, Blasts, Terrorist Attacks, Flood and Tsunami, we really are at a miserable stake, and at that time huge efforts and helps are required to survive and avoid the starvation and loss of human lives. At that time the NGO’s and the common people of the society, from other states and countries rises to help us and to facilitate us with the essential daily life products, which can help us survive.


The list of the disaster relief supplies is not really big. It only contains the food items and such products which are the essentials in survival. We will list down some of those important and essential products here in this article.

  • Water for drinking and for sanitation purposes.
  • Dry milk for the infants and for other children.
  • Supply of the non-perishable food. Such food products which are dry and can be kept to use for a longer period of time.
  • Medicines for the cold, flue, temperature and headache. These common daily use medicines are really important.
  • Making the medical staff available for the people of effected area. So those who are ill and need medical attention can be looked after by them.
  • The medical aid kits for the people.
  • Diapers, clothes for the infants. Their baby products and other essential items such as cream, oil and toys.
  • Towels, garbage bags and plastic ties for the personal use of every person.
  • Emergency lights and the batteries.
  • For shelter the availability of the tents is really necessary so people can survive and save themselves from the weather effects.
  • Clothes according to the weather condition. If it is cold weather, warm clothes shall be provided. Whereas, in hot and warm conditions light clothes shall be provided to the affected people.

The supply of the disaster relief supplies make it possible to avoid any major issues to occur. Once you are in such a situation the basic need at that time is the common daily life products to survive. Those who are still alive in such conditions, need to fulfill their nutritional needs and make plans to reestablish from this accident.


Suitable Ideas For Selecting Appropriate Place For A Refugee Shelter

After any misery or mishap the first and the foremost thing come to our mind are the displaced personnel. After any big disaster whether it is man-made or a natural calamity thousands of people are likely to be affected.

Refugee Shelter

Important questions:-

Lot of questions arise at these moments

  • How to accommodate these large masses quickly?
  • Where to setup camps for these disaster victims?
  • How large or small should be the size of the camp?
  • For how long these people will live here?

With these questions other problems also arise on how to feed these survivors, what utensils and other equipment should be provided. In the long run the authorities start to think how to rehabilitate these people back to their areas.

All these questions are pretty hard to answer soon after any calamity. But the best way to accommodate these people is to setup a large refugee shelter. These temporary homes give these poor souls a closed space to live in and protect themselves from the extreme climates of the region.

Main Advantage:-

Protection security:-

These camps provide the people safety and surety that they will be safe from any extreme weather or the rebel parties in the war or conflict situations. They seek asylum in these camps as this is the best and only option they have got.

Appropriate selection of area:-

The place where the camp setup is to be located may not fulfill all the requirements. The main reason for this is that the most suitable areas are already occupied by the locals or are allotted to farmers for farming.

Below are some of the ideas that are useful for the selection of site for installing camps.

Security perspective:-

The ideal place for setting up a camp must be in a safe area that is away from the border and war zones where the terrorists, enemy army and rebels don’t have access. It should also be located in area free of land mines.


That area should be selected where there is availability of water. If there are no resources then the authorities should have easy access to this area to provide water.


The sit must be in an area where heavy trucks containing equipment and relief items can access easily in all the climates.

Tussle with locals:-

That area needs to be selected where the chances of tussle and brawl between the local and displaced persons is very less. Authorities should take steps to avoid such unpleasant incidents.

Energy sources:-

That area needs to be selected for a mass refugee shelter where energy and electricity sources are available or can easily be provided. Using wood and cutting trees for lighting fires and cooking purposes is resulting in deforestation.

All One Need Is A Professional Help During Crisis Moments…

When stuck in a crisis situation, you simply don’t want to rely on unprofessional helping hands. At times the situation after a natural disaster has struck is not that bad, however the unprofessional and unprepared approach may make things worse and the end results may not help the cause. What could have been an easy job of saving one’s precious life because a failure and it really is a heartbreaking situation, to avoid such situations, many core relief items and service providers worked hard day and night, so as to design stuff that can play a legitimate role during a crisis situation.


There are many highly reputable names like NRS-International and many others that has been working with a close eye on these changing demands and needs. The positive news is that they have succeeded in their mission to a great extent and have come up with tools and core relief items that have helped many while fighting for survival.

With these specialists that are constantly focusing on quality and relevancy the ratio between the winning and losing of life and death has improved and most of the times you will notice that life is on the winning side. We at times take things for granted, however if we give it a serious thought then these organizations, i.e. NRS-International  and many others really deserve a big round of applause for their commitment and high-end services in this field where everything is about saving a life and rescuing the situation all the time.

Tarpaulin… Always Reliable!

There are many core relief items that are playing a crucial role in helping those that are in need of help and are trapped amid situations where their vicinity is struck by a natural disaster or even a man made one. There are many manufacturers who are keen to deliver state of the art products and services that are smart enough to meet the basic needs and might as well enable one to fight those crisis situations when they need to hold on until the main help from the concerned rescue teams arrives to rescue the situations for them.

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There are many core relief items and relief supplies that are now being officially declared as a set standard by international organizations and big names like World Health Organization (WHO) and UNHCR, etc. However there are many core relief items like tents that heavily rely on Tarpaulin. Tarpaulin manufacturers realized the long lasting nature of tarpaulin and the potential that it holds for the future rescue missions. This ingredient is now getting further attention and it is believed that it will be used as an active agent in the fashion industry as well.

By the year 2020 it will a common entity in the markets world over and will no more be treated as a rescue item only. Tarpaulin manufacturers have realized this rise in public awareness and have anticipated the possible lift in demands for tarpaulin; therefore they have started to produce further high volumes so as to be able to cope with the demands.

Help Women and Children!

This article highlights the importance of providing assistance to women and children refugees. They are the most vulnerable because they do not have protection and access to basic amenities of life. They are vulnerable to a wide range of problems that can be mitigated through proactive and dynamic strategies. Additionally, the humanitarian organizations must be willing to use strategic planning as a tool for long term success and growth. They need to focus on the ways that they will be able to respond to obstacles and challenges.

Women and children are some of the most vulnerable refugees because they do not have access to protection and other basic amenities of life. Humanitarian organizations strive to provide various types of relief from food baskets to emergency shelter and hygiene kits. Women and children refugees are people with little hope as they suffer from stress, anxiety, and despair. The message of hope and solidarity is important because they need to be supported through the collective efforts of humanity. Moreover, it is imperative to develop a collaborative structure that can help the refugees to achieve their goals in a short time period.

Disaster Relief Supplies

Humanitarian organizations strive to reunite women and children with their families. This is because of the need to ensure that they can be able to live their lives in an efficient and effective manner. It is never easy to leave someone’s homeland. Disaster and warfare continue to impact the lives of women and children. They are threatened by abject poverty because their men are disappeared or killed in such disasters. They have to look after their needs for food and other basic amenities of life. Survival becomes a major task for the women and child refugees.

Women and child refugees suffer from hygiene issues as many refugee camps have inadequate provisions for meeting the health needs. They can suffer from diseases because of shortages in medicines that can create problems. There are other issues such as the fact that they do not have access to education and employment opportunities. The goal of humanitarian organizations is to help the dispossessed people so that they can have some semblance of normal life. Hunger is another critical problem faced by the refugees. The humanitarian organizations have to use all their resources in order to ensure that they will be able to develop effective strategies for success.

Humanitarian organizations must specifically strive to ensure that they can meet the needs of vulnerable refugees such as women and children. This should be done through the presence of an integrated and coordinated framework that helps to understand their specific needs. Adequate research will ensure that the organizations are able to provide the basic supplies that are needed for the survival of women and children. The right amount of disaster relief supplies will assist the organizations as they are able to achieve long term growth and development.

The concept of humanitarianism is that all individuals, including refugees must be given assistance on the basis of courtesy, compassion, benevolence, and altruism. It is through collaborative efforts that the problems of refugees can be mitigated. Moreover, it is also important to have a collaborative strategy that ensures that the supply chain system of the humanitarian organizations is adequate enough to meet the needs of refugees. The disaster relief supplies should be such that they will be provided immediately in order to avoid problems. Humanitarianism is based on concepts of solidarity and compassion so that the needs of the people can be met efficiently.